Dr. David Goldberg has been practicing in the Santa Clarita Valley since 1982.
David may have been born in Florida but the Los Angeles area has been his home since the 1960’s. His parents met in Equator and moved to the United States just weeks before he was born. The family moved about the country until settling in Los Angeles. He has studied in Colombia, California State University, Northridge, and University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco California.
David married in 1982 and raised four children in Santa Clarita. He has been a proud member of the Santa Clarita Rotary Club (served as President 2007-2008), serves on the Board of Directors for the Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers (serving the uninsured and underinsured), and belongs to the Elks Lodge #2379.
For many years he practiced at the Crossroads Center in Saugus but in 2011 moved into a new, modern, and beautiful facility at the Rye Canyon Pointe building in Valencia.